ASMSA Student Government ASsociation

What is SGA?

ASMSA's SGA (Student Government Association) is a council consisting of 30 students ranging from sophomores to seniors. These students act as the voice for the student body with the goal to improve student life and address issues within the school. Among these students, there is an Elective Board of 6 members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, and Publicist. These representatives act as the bridge from the student body to the administration, bringing attention to issues brought up by the student body with the intention to resolve them through passing bills and faculty assistance. 

2023-2024 E-Board!

Important SGA Information:

 Be on the lookout for updates concerning floor and hall events. If you have any concerns please contact your local representative.

UpComing Events:

Add the ASMSA Student Government Association Calendar to your personal calendar to be kept up to date of the what's going on around ASMSA.

Things to Know and Easier Access:

ASMSA SGA Constitution:

The ASMSA SGA Constitution establishes the mission and objectives of the ASMSA Student Government Association and its underlying branches, the Executive Board and General Assembly. The Constitution additionally includes policies for provisions, amendments, and ratification of the document itself. It is strongly recommended for aspiring representatives to read the Constitution to learn how to effectively work within the government. In addition, we recommend that all students review the Constitution so that they can play an active role in positively shaping their academic and extra-curricular environment.

ASMSA SGA Constitution.docx.pdf