Have some questions? Look here! Email sga@asmsa.org if what your looking for was not addressed.

How do I request funds for my club?

To request money, you or your officer must fill out a proposal form, which you can find under the Funding tab. Once the form is complete, email it to sga@asmsa.org, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

What do I need to put on the form?

On the form, please explain what the money will be used for. For example, is it for an event that you’re hosting? Does your club need to repair club equipment? Your description should demonstrate the significance of this request and how your club or the community will benefit from the money. Then, list the name of the item(s) you plan to purchase, how many you will buy, and the price of each item. Try to include an estimate for tax and fees on your request. If your club spends over the amount you've requested, the bill might get kicked back by the Finance Department (different from the SGA Finance Committee) and the fund request process may have to repeat. 

How long does it take for my request to process?

Please allow us 2-3 business days to process your bill. When we receive the proposal, we send it to the representatives in the Finance Committee and allow them one full day to vote. If the request is approved by Finance, the bill will get forwarded to Dean Morris for her to review. You will get an email from us once Dean Morris approves the proposal. Please try to submit your fund request ahead of time!

My bill has been approved. What do I do now?

Let your club sponsor know that the bill has been approved. They will need to show the approved document to Ms. Lillie Ferguson in the Finance Department on the 1st floor of Admin. If your club is buying from a physical store, Ms. Ferguson will hand your sponsor the agency Pcard. Your sponsor and Ms. Ferguson can work out reimbursement if the item was purchased online. 

How do I buy the items?

Only club sponsors can make purchases for the club. Your club sponsor can go to a physical store in Hot Springs or place orders online. There is an agency Pcard available if you are buying your items from a physical Walmart or Hobby Lobby store. For the online route, your sponsor will be reimbursed for the order. Since reimbursement is a more complex process, we prefer if your club can buy everything in person, but we understand that certain goods are harder to get in Hot Springs.

If you have any other questions/concerns, please email sga@asmsa.org.