Representatives Election

To the Classes of 2025:

Senior Representative Elections are upon us!

We encourage you to vote in this election and hope you decide to run! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact an Executive Board member, SGA sponsor, or email 

Due by 11:59PM September 2nd

Due by 11:59 PM September 2nd


Filing Deadline:

Filling deadline is on September 2nd.

Election Day:

Representative Elections will be held from September 3th- September 5th.

Results will be posted September 6th

All seniors will vote for senior candidates. 

Other Info:

All candidates must give a speech September 3rd. Senior candidates will speak at 4:30 in the cafeteria. Voting will open at 11:00pm on the 3rd, ballots will close Thursday the 5th at 11:59 P.M.,  and results will come out Friday the 6th. 

SGA Election Code of Conduct:

Candidates are expected to follow the Election Code of Conduct, SGA Constitution, and the ASMSA Student Handbook. Election violations will be dealt with by the SGA Advisors and Executive Board.

Election Violations should be filed with the Executive Board.

Meet the Candidates!

1st Floor Faris, Juniors:

Beckett Beam

I want to part of SGA because I feel I have unique opinions and qualities that could be brought to the table. As a theatre kid and a performer, I am a man who is for the crowd. A crowd please, but not a people pleaser, there is a difference. I used to be very talkative, too talkative, but I have gotten to where I can talk as much as needed to voice an opinion. I have gotten to a point where I listen more than I speak.

Matthew Carter

I want to be part of the SGA to contribute myself towards fostering the school's community and being a support to my peers. Having lived here for a year, I understand the newer students' concerns and have acted as a support service to a number of them. Starting this year I have been acting as an admissions delegate, being chosen by the admissions team to be the face of our community as a representative in events as well. I have worked with the assistant dean of students in the mentees group on how to address concerns and believe that these skills can make me a productive member of the SGA.

Mason Sims

I want to be a good friend to everyone in the school. I talk a lot, and that helps me be confident in standing up for what I think is right. Some people do not have the confidence that I do, and I believe that their voices should still be heard, even if it’s through someone else’s actions. I promise as SGA floor representative to take each and every concern brought to me up to the same level of importance. I have served multiple years in a row for student council, including representative and treasurer positions. I have also helped organize and participated in several charity/community fundraisers and events at my sending school.

Meet the Candidates!

1st Floor Nichols, Juniors:

Grace Ann Conn

I would really like to be a part of SGA this semester because I've never been on the Student Affairs Committee and have a few ideas. I feel that I'm a qualified respresentative due to serving as Sophomore Representative both of last year's semesters as well as serving Vice Chair of the finance committee last semester. I also served in the Health & Wellness committee both semesters which taught me organization skills as well as meeting and connecting with my fellow classmates.

Miranda Lee

Through SGA, I hope to gain more leadership experience, improve the student body's mental health, and contribute to change. I consider myself a qualified representative as I'm the president and an officer of other clubs that I'm fully committed to, and having been an ASMSA student for over a year now, I've become more familiar with the needs of my peers'. I carry years of experience in planning, promoting, and sponsoring ideas for brands and organizations. Taking those creative and communicative skills will allow me to listen to others, improve student events, and effectively get the word out to the student body.

Kaitleen Toh

I believe my experience of being SGA Sophomore Rep last year can contribute me. I want to continue my work in Finance Committee and Student Interest and Wellness. Accepting fund requests for clubs is an important step that helps clubs provide events for the student body. Along with clubs’ events, activities ran by SGA are also important. Within Student Interest and Wellness, I plan to help organize and support events such as Winter Formal, Prom, and activities throughout the year. Events like these are so important to a student’s social and mental health, so I’d love to be able to have more.

Meet the Candidates!

2nd Floor Faris, Juniors:

Tristan Henson

I want to be less of just "a part of SGA," but rather a representative of second floor Faris. I am one of, I believe, 3 returning 2FF students, and I am the only one with any SGA or leadership positions. This makes me more knowledgeable about the floor, the rules of the floor, what unique things we may need, and what it takes to actually lead and represent the floor.

Nathan Grady 

I want to be part of the SGA to make a positive difference in the community. I feel that being in SGA would be a great way to give back and improve upon the community that has, personally, deeply influenced me. As for prior experience, although I don’t have many roles in leadership, I employ leadership skills in my daily life with empathy, ambition, and a drive to improve. In addition, I’m also starting up neuroscience club as a co-president with a few other neuroscience-passionate students. Thus, throughout the year I will be enacting a leadership role and possibly more, gaining leadership experience and skills. 

Lisandro Ramos

I want to be a part of SGA because I would like to help with the food committee, I've heard from multiple students that the food is always "bland", our students say that it tastes like nothing. good meals lead to better success as well as building a happier community. What separates me from other candidates is my commitment. I believe that if you do something, you should always give it 100% of your commitment. I would put all my efforts into SGA and try to make a better environment for everyone. I used to be treasurer for National Honors Society (NHS), so I understand that having responsibility is something a good SGA representative needs.

Max Monroe

I wish to be an outlet of sorts, for the community to talk to, and for an unfortunate lack for better terms, represent them. whether that be a safe place to have a one-on-one talk with me, or an anonymous message box that i check once or twice a week. i want students to communicate their wants and needs to me, and do so in a manner that makes them comfortable. As for an event idea, I would like it to entail improving student-faculty relationships,  whether that be through, a student, vs faculty sports game, trivia, etc. just a community building event, focused on improving relationships, especially with the deans. 

Kaiyan Yu

ASMSA has become a sort of family to me, and I wish to do everything I can to help it be the fun, supportive, and welcoming community that it was to me when I first came here. I am dedicated to being an active, compassionate listener and leader, and I will make sure everyone is heard if I am elected. With past experience serving as the SGA Student Affairs Secretary for two semesters last year (as well as leadership in robotics, ScienceBowl and others), I believe I have the knowledge and capability to help advocate for the student body. One of my main goals this year is to help create an easier way for students to submit their ideas and concerns on a floor-based level. Some of my current ideas include a possible bulletin board where students can post their own ideas to be seen and received by SGA, or a google form sent out every floor meeting.  

Meet the Candidates!

2nd Floor Nichols, Juniors:

Sophie Milton

I want to be part of SGA because I want to make a difference in how ASMSA is run. I want to be part of the change that benefits current students to those in future years by achieving things that will actually help us reach our goals.  

My goal is to ensure that everyone on 2nd floor Nichols has a voice, something I'd like to achieve through the Student Affairs Committee. I want make sure that everyone is having their thoughts heard and feels that ASMSA is truly the place where they belong. I want to achieve this by advocating for some of the feedback I've heard such as issues concerning the gym equipment and the cafeteria options. 

I believe that my experience in captaining multiple teams, being the sophomore representative at my sending school, being chosen as the Arkansas representative at an international leadership conference, and being the current president and active member in some of the ASMSA clubs will aid me in how I communicate with people on our floor. 

Jordan Gauldin

I want to be an sga representative because I want to be a face that my peers can trust and come to if they need to. ASMSA is my home and so I want to be an active part of this community. I would be a qualified representative because of my people skills, because I am very organized, and because I am responsible. I have prior experience as student government secretary at my sending school, and as an officer of many other clubs there as well.

Nakoa Beattie

I stated in my previous answer that I am interested in promoting outwardness and confidence within the student body. An event idea I have is to have a schoolwide scavenger hunt, consisting of clues and puzzles. It would be great for students because it would bring them closer to their classmates and they could practice their problem-solving abilities. The final part of the scavenger hunt would include some sort of prize for the winner. Throughout the scavenger hunt, it might test their knowledge and skills about whatever the context of the event is. If it's a Halloween event, it might be about the history of Halloween, or if its pi day, it might test their knowledge of the digits of pi. 

Nora Medlock

I would love to be apart of SGA in order make sure that the students of ASMSA feel heard and valued. It's so important for the community to feel like SGA and admin care about their feelings, thoughts, and opinions, and to be able to be apart of the team that makes that happen would be a very special opportunity for me. I have been apart of Model UN for the past two years, and throughout attending conferences and debating I feel I have gained lots of experience public speaking, putting myself out there, and being social around groups of people I sometimes have never met before. I served as a Model UN officer at my old school, and my time organizing fundraisers, handling the finances, as well as being in charge of social media, recruiting, and membership, were tough responsibilities, but ones that I feel made me ready and confident enough to be able to serve as an SGA Representative. 

Sephorah Faiq

I want to be apart of SGA because I’m really tired of people being part of elections just for their college application. I want people to be comfortable around me! I want to make their problems my problems.

Emily Lin

I want to be a part of SGA to give ASMSA students a better time at ASMSA. Coming to ASMSA is a huge commitment as students need to leave their families and learn to become more independent. It would be great if I could help improve their experience at ASMSA by planning fun events for them and making them feel happier. I am qualified to be a representative not only because I am responsible but also because I am willing to dedicate my time to SGA events. I have some prior experience in planning events (although not school-wide events), but there were a decent amount of people who participated, and the overall feedback was positive.

Halie Cook

I have always loved being heavily involved in my school’s community. I know SGA is very responsible for some of the biggest events at this school. I want to be apart of those who make ASMSA fun and engaging. I served in my school’s student council for 5 consecutive years. I have volunteered a lot of my time to helping the school, such as setting up and planning for our homecoming dance. I also have had many leadership positions in the many clubs I have served in. I am very comfortable in public speaking and directing large events. I have coordinated fundraising events for my sending school’s club FCCLA. I want to help make ASMSA a better and comfortable place for the students, because it is our home. 

Meet the Candidates!

3rd Floor Faris, Juniors:

Caleb Keeling

I believe joining the SGA as a representative would help me maintain and improve my leadership skills, address student concerns more effectively, and work closely with others to improve our school. As an SGA member, I would have the opportunity to liaise with my peers with the administration, suggest and review impactful changes, and organize events to enhance our school experience. This experience would also allow me to connect with my peers, improve my resume, promote open communication, and have a meaningful impact on my peers, myself, and the school community. Some of the experiences that qualify me as an SGA representative are but are not limited to being an ambassador for NSHSS and being a member of leadership groups such as Beta Club, FBLA, and NHS. I have also had the opportunity to lead various other programs through my local colleges to help the community. I am also confident that after various programs that liaise between different generations and cultures, I have developed my communication skills to effectively manage interactions between the administration and the student body.

Yongjun Park

I want to plan some fun school event that is unique and make students to want to come. I also want to spread event information wider, so everyone can decide instead missing it. I planed some event in elementary school(3rd to 6th), and I also have experience of school ambassador for 9th and 10th grade. I’m good at planning and managing events, so I’m qualified as representative.

Aarush Goyal

I want to be part of SGA to be able to create effective change within the ASMSA community as well as be able to act upon the concerns of my peers. I feel that I am both a good at listening and communicating, which allows me to accomplish my goals as a part of SGA. I was part of student government at my old school which has given me experience in terms my responsibilities. I have also significant volunteer work which has shown me how to work in a team and communicate with others. 

Meet the Candidates!

3rd Floor Nichols, Juniors:

Gabriela Sanchez

It’s a new experience for me and I would like to build skills. I would also like to help our students get heard and listen to their needs. I want to support this community here at ASMSA and help build a better future for the students here!

Meet the Candidates!

Faris Sophomores

Kemdi Ekeanyanwu

I want to be part of SGA in order to give a way for the littlest of voices to be heard. I believe I am qualified due to the fact that I. I have experience with politics from being a Vice President of the Young Democratic Association at my sending school. I feel like I’m qualified to represent my class due to the fact that I know them very well, even amongst the most antisocial. At ASMSA, many introverted kids have trouble expressing issues. Furthermore, I have experience with leadership, publicly speaking multiple times for events concerning issues or problems.

Aum Patel

I want to make a impact from time at asmsa, I think SGA is my biggest shot of making an impact for the better. Prior experience: Malvern head of robotics, star city robotics captain, Bryant jr robotics team captain.

Leon Grimes

-Reason for being in SGA:

I want to be there to have a voice for myself and others in my grade, and I want to have the ability to serve my peers (younger and older) to make their ASMSA experience the best it can be though helping design fun activities or even allowing some clubs old and new a chance to thrive via funding, I would hate to crush someone's passionate idea with something that can be changed. I also hope to gain from this, much needed experience that I can use for not only school and college, but for life. My goal is to be someone who can aid and possibly even represent the amazing sophomores of today who stepped away from their comforting homes at the chance of building their own better life early. They have started on their path now people like us must help our ASMSA acquaintances enjoy their experience. 


As for a role in the treasury department, I am very financially responsible, and I value a nature of living within your means. I would also like to help give newer or less popular clubs a chance to thrive like others and I would like to gain experience in financial holding that will hopefully serve an important lesson in my life.

As for the main role I am applying for, in the student wellness and affairs committee I can be a rather imaginative hardworking and determined person. I hold empathy and others interest close while not sacrificing my own state. The main reason I want this committee is to be an active participant and advocate for my peers when it comes to having a chance to enjoy an activity outside the daily stresses that ASMSA life may pose.


Though I have never been in a cub specifically like this I have been responsible for the odd amount of budgeting and helping push ideas towards event and even helping others when feeling unhappy or in need of advice.

Other than this I don't hold much experience but i would love to have a chance to gain some!

Meet the Candidates!

Nichols Sophomores

Collisa Bucknor 

I’m running because I feel like I can fulfill the needs of what the sophomore student body wants/needs. I’n a very open-minded and optimistic person which mean's I’m open to new ideas and new experiences. I also enjoy volunteering when I get the chance and helping others out. I don’t have any prior experience but I do have great leadership skills from what I’ve been told.

Yuhan Hu 

I want to be a representative for SGA to ensure every student is heard and valued, and to make our school a more inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone. I'm always open to everyone’s suggestions and ideas, and my main goal is to bridge the gaps within our school. I enjoy connecting with and helping others, and am skilled in organizing detailed events. With experience as a student representative for clubs at my sending school and a background in persuasive writing and document analysis, I’m committed to advocate for the needs and ideas of the student body.

Rebekah Johnson

I would like to be a part of the Student Government Association to be able to do my part in making sure ASMSA is a welcoming and comforting environment. I consider myself qualified for this role because I have the ability to be professional, but still get my point across when speaking. I also consider myself to be good at public speaking (ie. speeches, meetings, ect). In the past, I have served on Student Council at Sylvan Hills for two years. This gave me experience in taking on a leadership role, working with others towards a common goal, and making decisions in the best interest of my fellow students.