Executive Board

Article III of the ASMSA Student Government Association Constitution outlines the Executive Board. This body guides and oversees the SGA. They are responsible for upholding the decisions of the General Assembly and dialoguing with the administration on the desires of the Student Body.

2021-2022 Executive Board (Session 28)


Daniel Nkunga

Vice President

Avery Binuya


Michelle Lin


Nasya Choy


Ivy Hong


Ella Campbell

Daniel Nkunga, President

Daniel Nkunga is from North Little Rock. As the SGA President, he presides over the General Assembly and Executive Board meetings and communicates with the Board of Visitors.  As President, he is the spokesperson of the SGA and sets the agenda for the year.

Avery Binuya, Vice-President

Avery Binuya is from Lamar. As Vice-President, they oversee all Weekly Wave operations and act as a bridge between staff and students. They are a member of the Student Affairs Committee's General Counsel along with the Parliamentarian.

Nasya Choy, Secretary

Nasya Choy is from Conway. As the SGA secretary, they are in charge of keeping track of all SGA functions. This responsibility includes taking minutes at General Assembly, archiving and organizing documents, and making information available.

Michelle Lin, Treasurer

Michelle Lin is from Little Rock. As the Treasurer, she maintains all finance and expense records within the Student Government Association. Committees in SGA consult the Treasurer on any necessary purchases.

Ivy Hong, Parliamentarian

Ivy Hong is from Little Rock. As the Parliamentarian, her duties include upholding order in the General Assembly meetings and, along with the Vice President, counseling the Student Affairs committee. As the Parliamentarian, she educates all members in Parliamentary Procedure and is the enforcer of the SGA Constitution.

Ella Campbell, Publicist

Ella Campbell is from Bismarck. As Publicist, she is in charge of communication between the SGA and the Student Body. As Publicist she also presides over the Activities Committee that plans events for the Student Body. The Publicist oversees the SGA website and social media as well as the SGA calendar.

Organization structure

Org Chart.pdf